Team Performance”We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”Albert Einstein
In a context of continuous change, YouEvolve’s Team Performance Program helps teams to transit efficiently through change in order to operate more cohesively and effectively to achieve organisational goals.
These aims are achieved through the use of team building experiences, diagnostic behavioural tools and reflective approaches.
Below some of our offerings.
How can we improve the communication, decision-making and conflict management of our group?
This workshop starts from raising awareness about our own personalities and how we can leverage on diversities to improve teamwork.
How do we work effectively with people from different cultures and with different backgrounds? This workshop provides a space to reflect about our own cultural assumptions and build skills to better interact and work wit people of different cultrual background
How do we make sure we bring our messages across and how do we make sure that we really understand our counterparts?
During this workshop participants get practical tips on how to improve communication, actively listen and provide feedback.
"How is the role of Human Resources changing and what are the new skills and competencies required?
During this workshop we will explore how the external changes are impacting how HR operates and we will introduce 4 new roles that are emerging."