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Artificial Intelligence in Dubai

Artificial Intelligence in Dubai Which industries can AI be used for in a developed city? What are some uses that already exist and which we could never have imagined before? Let’s explore some interesting uses of AI in a city which has integrated it into many businesses and public services – Dubai.  Advancement and adaptation […]

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Supervised and unsupervised machine learning

Supervised and unsupervised machine learning Let’s go back to the topic of machine learning. We’ve talked about deep learning and reinforcement learning before, but there are other distinctions which can be made within machine learning and which are also very relevant. On the aspect of how the task in question is done, there is a […]

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AI and business environment

AI and business environment Artificial intelligence has so far helped humans advance many processes and upgrade various different technologies, making a lot of things more efficient. AI was first adopted in high-tech companies and fields, but it is now spreading and changing our business environment in many ways and across different sectors. We need to […]

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Self-driving vehicles: an ethical dilemma

Self-driving vehicles: an ethical dilemma A speeding vehicle is driving down the road. A young child runs into the road. The driver has a quick decision to make – hit the brakes hard and swerve to avoid the child and risk your own life and safety, or risk the life of that child on the […]

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How to be a leader for growth according to Judith Eberl

How to be a leader for growth according to Judith Eberl Leading a business is tightly connected to leading yourself and leading people. As a business leader you need to have a vision, think strategically, evaluate risks and drive performance. But you cannot grow the business if you are not able to manage yourself and […]

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The different ways that AI can learn

The different ways that AI can learn Learning seems to be an important aspect of many AI technologies, but not all AI can learn. There are some computers considered as AI which have been pre-programmed with all the behaviors they have, with no ability to learn or do anything else, and then there are some […]

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ANI, AGI and ASI – what do they mean?

ANI, AGI and ASI – what do they mean? When talking about artificial intelligence, there are many perspectives and understandings of what AI is and what it encompasses. We relate to AI terms like algorithms, machine learning, language processing, deep learning, robots and many other aspects. AI is a wide range of different technologies. Today […]

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3 important players in the field of AI you should know about

3 important players in the field of AI you should know about There have been many companies and individuals involved in the research and development of AI since its creation. Companies such as IBM with their Deep Blue AI system designed specifically for playing chess, Boston Dynamics and their various robots, or Amazon, Apple and […]

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What is machine learning?

What is machine learning? Aren’t AI and machine learning basically the same thing? Even though they are often used in a similar context, they don’t have the same meaning. Let’s look at the difference between these two terms. Machine learning vs. artificial intelligence While AI is a vast scope of many different intelligent technologies which […]

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Artificial Intelligence for Dummies

Artificial Intelligence for Dummies Artificial intelligence (AI) is being mentioned all around us. Showing up in movies, books, casual daily conversations and on social media, one could say that it is a broadly used and understood term. But what is AI actually, and what are the basics everyone should know? What is Artificial Intelligence? The […]

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