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How close are we to mind reading?

How close are we to mind reading? Have you ever thought about mind control? Do you think we will ever have technology advanced enough to achieve something like this? Depending on what you consider as mind control, we might be closer than you think. Of course, I don’t mean getting into someone’s mind and getting […]

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Smart Textiles

Smart Textiles Artificial intelligence has a big impact on many industries, and today we will focus on the way it is changing the textile industry, as well as the use of textiles in other fields. AI has helped make the textile industry more efficient in its production and distribution, design, quality control and many other […]

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Envisioning the Future of Robotics

Envisioning the Future of Robotics When we talk about the future of robotics, we need to be aware that the future is now. We are living in an era of endless innovation, where many things that you would mention as the “distant future” are already being invented and tested somewhere in the world. To a […]

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Deepfakes – what are they and why should we care?

Deepfakes – what are they and why should we care? You may or may not have heard about deepfakes already. These are fake audio or video files showing situations or conversations that never really happened, something like a photoshopped picture, but potentially much more dangerous. But how can a fake video be dangerous, and why […]

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AI and Design

AI and Design Artificial intelligence has already entered every industry we can imagine, changing and making us adapt to new technologies and circumstances. In the arts and creative industries this transition is quite specific since the human creative processes can’t be directly replaced with AI, but rather enhanced and optimized. In previous articles we talked […]

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The story of Ai-Da: when art becomes an artist

The story of Ai-Da: when art becomes an artist How do you feel about robots? What about AI robots who are made to create music or art? Can this type of art be considered as valuable as something created by a human with “real” emotions and thoughts? But then again, are we even aware who […]

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AI and Dilemmas – Biases

AI and Dilemmas – Biases AI is not a living entity with its own thoughts and emotions about others, but it is a system coded by humans, and therefore susceptible to human error and bias. Let’s explore what this means and what are some of the most important dilemmas currently being raised around the ethical […]

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AI and Sustainability

AI and Sustainability How can AI contribute to our world, society or environment? With global technological changes on such a large scale, beneficial changes and innovations can be seen throughout many sectors. Today we will focus on sustainability, and how AI can help us reach different sustainable development goals and build a world which is […]

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AI and education

AI and education What are the educational components of preparing future generations properly for the widespread use and implementation of AI? Are we on the right path considering the way kids are currently taught or prepared? Are our current education systems actually preparing for the right skills? Current situation It’s hard to discuss the “common” […]

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An AI story: from sorting croissants to fighting cancer

An AI story: from sorting croissants to fighting cancer What’s the difference between fresh bakery products and cancer cells? Apparently, not much. This is a story of how the same pastry AI which was used to differentiate croissants from strudels and pretzels turned out to be capable of helping with cancer research.  The origins of […]

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